Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Ah but for it to be spring again. Infinite possibility slathered in abundant sunshine and no need to wear a poofy jacket. Ah but to have some vodka in my possession at this very moment X]

Moz and I acquired a couple geckos, male and a female, from Hilary and we have in turn named them Brad and Angelina I think solely to be able to call them Brangelina for short. They're way too cute for their own good and I'm feeling the giddiness of being a new mother haha.

Brad is a temperamental bastard but he's softening up. He's about twice the size of Angelina and likes to sleep on top of her which is cute, I didn't know lizards cuddled ^.^ I take him out a lot just so he likes to be held more because Angelina is a little social butterfly whereas Brad likes to try and intimidate. Plus he leaps out of your hand which is almost cool cause I didn't know lizards leaped either but I can't have one of my baybays suicide leaping to their deaths, I'm already horribly attached.

I'm recently unemployed which is weirdness all in itself because I've had a job since I was sixteen and possibly ignorantly thought I was infallible and had to learn the hard way that I'm not. All the charm in the world couldn't have saved me from that stupid cycle. I need a 3rd shift job to coincide with my nocturnal state I think. I would take a surprise lottery win as well.

Finally getting out of town this weekend. Out of state in fact. I need a vacation. Couldn't have come at a better/worse time.